Hot, stuffy air was due to the ductwork

For a long time I was just living with inferior AC conditions.

My air was hot, stuffy, and slightly stinky.

What was going on with it? I then realized that I needed to prioritize my cooling istation. Living in Plano, Texas means that I deal with high heat and brutal humidity basically all year. Going without an optimal AC device just isn’t possible. I blamed my main indoor air handler for the stuffy air. I had a Plano AC tech come to my home to inspect the innerworkings. He checked over the fan blades, motor belt, condensate drain, and all moving parts. He cleaned the air filter, added more coolant, and said it was good to go. I tried the AC again and still there was hot air around my house. The AC technician then did some inspecting. Turns out the concern was not with the unit, but with the attached ductwork. There was a crack along the seam of the duct. That crack was allowing the Texas, stuffy air to leak inside the house. The home felt warmer and the AC had to work harder. No wonder my energy bills were so high. The AC technician was able to patch the seam with sealant particles that he shot up in there. It took him less than an hour. There was no odor, residue, or venice of the job. I did notice that my house felt so much colder after he did the ductwork sealing appointment. It shows you that you need to have your AC situation assessed on a yearly basis in Plano, TX.

HVAC Company in Plano Texas

Heat pump is the ideal choice

Living in Tuscaloosa, AL, requires both a cooling plus boiler for the home, then the temperature fluctuates from the thirties to the nineties, but a heat pump is the ideal solution to the local weather conditions.

The single component provides both heating plus cooling capacity plus offers incredible energy efficiency ratings. The electric heat pump uses refrigerant to move heat between the indoors plus the outdoors. Throughout the summer, it operates just like a conventional a/c system, extracting heat energy from the air plus creating a cooling effect. The heat pump has no problem handling the serious heat plus humidity of Tuscaloosa weather; When the heat pump switches to heating mode, it reverses the flow of refrigerant. The system takes advantage of heat that is present in layers of air close to the ground. This ambient heat is compressed to a higher temperature plus supplied indoors… Because the heat pump utilizes available existing heat rather than burning fossil fuels to create heat, it is especially safe. There are no fumes, tepid surfaces or greenhouse gasses to worry about, but operation is beautifully wash plus environmentally responsible. It also keeps heating costs to a minimum. I chose an Energy Star rated heat pump that includes stretchy-speed technology plus zone control. The heat pump cost a small fortune to purchase plus install, but saves currency every month on utility bills. The average lifespan of a heat pump is between ten plus fifteen years, then however, with usual plus correct service, the system could last up to twenty-five years. I make sure to thoroughly upgrade air filters, wash the condenser component fins plus keep the coils clean. I clear around the component so that no vines or other types of plant growth infiltrate the system.



Tuscaloosa Alabama HVAC repairman

Smart thermostat helps with unpredictable weather

My family makes the most of residing in Springtimefield, MO, my buddy and I are constantly on the go, enjoying the variety of available activities… There are more than one hundred city parks plus recreational sites to supply an assortment of options! Busiek, Roaring River, Table Rock plus Ha Ha Tonka are many of our number one state parks.

My whole family prefers to hike, explore nature, cycle, swim plus fish.

My buddy and I frequently came near the Buffalo National river. Because of the abundance of waterways in the area, there are truly enjoyable locales to canoe, paddleboard plus kayak. Beaver Creek offers five miles of paddling, while the North Fork of the White River takes us through undeveloped land. The wide range of terrain plus diversity of weather makes Springtimefield a unquestionably exciting locale to live, but from rock climbing plus scuba diving to shopping plus restaurants, there is constantly something new to see plus do. The temperature also creates some challenges. My buddy and I need to be prepared for temperatures varying from the high eighties to the single digits. My buddy and I deal with rain, wind, sleet, hail, snow plus humidity, then i recently substituted to a smart thermostat to help with the constant adjustment of temperature. There are afternoons when my pal and I leave the household in the afternoon plus the weather is chilly plus wet. By the time my pal and I return home, the temperature has warmed up plus humidity has set in. I would like to keep a comfortable residing environment without paying a fortune. The smart thermostat reacts to the outdoor conditions plus occupancy of the residence. It makes adjustments to conserve energy yet keep my family comfortable.

HVAC maintenance in Springfield Missouri

Smart control component helps with unpredictable weather

The smart control component reacts to the outdoor conditions plus occupancy of the residence

My family makes the most of living in Springfield, MO, but we are consistently on the go, enjoying the variety of available activities; There are more than one hundred town parks plus recreational sites to supply an assortment of options, busiek, Roaring River, Table Rock plus Ha Ha Tonka are several of our favorite state parks; My whole family loves to hike, explore nature, cycle, swim plus fish. We frequently came near the Buffalo National river. Because of the abundance of waterways in the area, there are entirely great venues to canoe, paddleboard plus kayak. Beaver Creek offers five miles of paddling, while the North Fork of the White River takes us through undeveloped land. The wide range of terrain plus diversity of weather makes Springfield a really exciting venue to live, from rock climbing plus scuba diving to shopping plus restaurants, there is consistently something up-to-date to see plus do. The climate also creates some challenges. We need to be prepared for temperatures varying from the high eighties to the single digits. We deal with rain, wind, sleet, hail, snow plus humidity; I recently upgraded to a smart control component to help with the constant adjustment of temperature. There are afternoons when my pal and I leave the home in the afternoon plus the weather is chilly plus wet. By the time my pal and I return home, the temperature has warmed up plus humidity has set in. I would like to keep a comfortable living environment separate from paying a fortune. The smart control component reacts to the outdoor conditions plus occupancy of the residence. It makes adjustments to conserve energy yet keep my family comfortable.


Mini split air conditioner in Springfield Missouri

Hoping to trim energy usage in the Summer

Summers in Lakeland, FL, are especially long, sizzling and muggy, and while there are constantly a lot of fun and exciting outdoor activities to look forward to, the sizzling and sticky conditions can be a challenge; The air conditioner runs just about non stop for approximately six to eight months.

  • I’m constantly shocked by the cost of operating the cooling system! Always hoping to save money and reduce energy consumption, I recently focused on my home’s insulation.

I realized that a wonderful deal of cool air was escaping by way of cracks around the windows and doors. I used caulk and weatherstripping to seal up these leaks and prevent hot, outside air from seeping in. I also substituted the insulation in the attic. With the sunlight constantly beating down on the roof, the attic was heating up and spreading sizzling air into the home. I spent a actually unpleasant weekend in the attic, removing the aged insulation and laying down new. The temperature in the attic was well over a hundred degrees, and it was necessary to wear long-sleeves, long pants, gloves, goggles and a mask. I have also invested into a smart temperature control. This particular model includes a feature called geofencing. It knows the locations of family member’s smartphones and adjusts temperature accordingly. The temperature control automatically conserves energy when the property is empty but cools down the living space in time for our arrival home. It also offers energy tracking and energy saving tips. It sends reminders to schedule annual maintenance and change air filters every month, then upgrading to smart blinds was another energy saving measure. The blinds are programmed to close in the afternoon, preventing the sunlight from heating up the home. They open in the evening when conditions have cooled down.


Air conditioner tune-up in Lakeland Florida

Prefer to workout outdoors

I prioritize my health and physical fitness! I am conscientious about my sleep, hydration and nutrition. I devote approximately an hour every afternoon to some type of workout. Living in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, I am most often forced to exercise indoors, but during the Spring and fall, there is a lot of rain and cold weather, however the summers tend to be short, hot and humid. The winters are long, snowy and brutally cold. I have a room in my property set up as a gym, and I’ve invested into quite a bit of equipment. I can run on the treadmill, pedal the stationary bike, lift weights, use battle ropes, jump on a mini trampoline or jump rope. It’s helpful that the room is temperature controlled. I don’t need to stress over what to wear to accommodate the unpredictable weather. There is no worry over mean pets, exhaust fumes or bugs. The air conditioner system and boiler feature zone control that allows me to set an independent temperature in the property gym. I keep that part cooler than the rest of the house. Despite the comfort and convenience of my property gym, I love to get outside whenever possible. I have invested into clothes for just about any weather. I have moisture-wicking shorts and tanks to handle the heat and humidity. I have thermal pants and sweaters to combat the cold. I have waterproof gear for when it rains. I enjoy to head to the Big Sioux River Recreation Trail. There is over thirty-four miles of paved trail that circles around the city and follows the banks of the Big Sioux River. It passed through several city parks, including Falls Park. It’s ideal for running, cycling or roller-blading. The scenery along the trail is gorgeous.



Sioux Falls South Dakota Heating device

Taking great care of the air duct

In Fort Worth, Texas, my pal and I experience four seasons plus a wide range of weather conditions, but the summers are boiling plus humid while winters are cool plus rainy! My pal and I rely heavily on the air conditioner plus heater, and while the heating plus cooling units split the workload, the air duct operates morning in plus morning just about year round.

This concealed network of pipes is responsible for removing stale air plus introducing clean, conditioned air, however because the duct system is hidden inside walls, ceilings, the attic plus crawlspace, it’s straight-forward to ignore, then in the majority of homes, the air duct accounts for up to 30% of energy losses! Cracks, holes, gaps plus other imperfections allow the heated plus cooled air to escape.

These same flaws draw in unconditioned, potentially polluted air plus it gets distributed throughout the home, and high biweekly energy costs, unpleasant odors, contaminated air, temperature fluctuations plus repairs can often be blamed on faulty air duct. I make sure to have the air duct ran tests on every couple of years. While duct sealing plus duct cleaning are an expense, these services are cost-effective, but properly operating air duct allows the air conditioner plus furnace to run at peak efficiency. It ensures that the maximum amount of heated plus cooled air reaches the destination plus that this air is clean. When the air duct operates at its best, I don’t need to vacuum or dust as often. My family suffers from fewer colds, flu plus headaches. My pal and I sleep better at evening plus have more energy during the morning. Because my pal and I use less energy, our property is more environmentally responsible.

Fort Worth Texas Cooling products

Taking good care of the air duct

In Fort Worth, TX, my buddy and I experience four seasons and a wide range of weather conditions, then the summers are hot and humid while winters are cool and rainy, then my associate and I rely heavily on the a/c and furnace, while the heating and cooling units split the workload, the air duct operates day in and day just about year round.

This concealed network of pipes is responsible for removing stale air and introducing clean, conditioned air, because the duct system is hidden inside walls, ceilings, the attic and crawlspace, it’s straight-forward to ignore! In the majority of homes, the air duct accounts for up to 30% of energy losses.

Cracks, holes, gaps and other imperfections allow the heated and cooled air to escape. These same flaws draw in unconditioned, potentially polluted air and it gets distributed throughout the home! High daily energy bills, unpleasant odors, contaminated air, temperature swings and repairs can often be blamed on faulty air duct. I make sure to have the air duct tested every couple of years. While duct sealing and duct cleaning are an expense, these services are cost-effective, and properly operating air duct allows the a/c and furnace to run at peak efficiency. It ensures that the maximum amount of heated and cooled air reaches the destination and that this air is clean. When the air duct operates at its best, I don’t need to vacuum or dust as often. My family suffers from fewer colds, flu and headaches. My associate and I sleep better at night and have more energy during the day. Because my buddy and I use less energy, our apartment is more environmentally responsible.
Fort Worth Texas Cooling technician

Handling temperature control in historical home

About three years ago, my fiance as well as I purchased a historical cabin in Birmingham, Alabama, however we’d lived in the part for nearly six years as well as had been on the lookout for a one-of-a-kind cabin in one of the beautiful historic citys; My buddy and I were cheerful to become residents of Forest Park.

  • Located just southeast of downtown Birmingham, this city originated in the early 1900s, and it was a favorable location because of accessibility to downtown by way of streetcars… The part features hundreds of really gorgeous residents built in styles such as Neo-classical, Bungalow, Tudor Revival as well as Queen Anne.

There is the Highland Park Golf Course as well as all sorts of adorable little shops. I frequent Dreamers Supply Co. to buy lotions, skins masks, face serums as well as unique skincare products. I buy plants for both indoors as well as outdoors from Shoppe Plant Nursery as well as splurge on wine from Red or White. My fiance as well as I make a habit of eating at The Rougaroux… Situated inside an outdated residential home, the ambience is lovely as well as the gumbo, po’boys as well as Cajun fair is delicious. When my buddy and I initially moved into our home, my buddy and I had some difficulties with keeping it comfortable. The property doesn’t include centralized HVAC duct. Tearing down walls to install sizable pipes would destroy the historical integrity. My buddy and I spoke with a local Birmingham Heating as well as Air Conditioning company who commanded a high-velocity heating/cooling system. This type of system is designed particularally for retrofit situations. It features mini-ducts that are only two-inches in diameter. These tubes are adaptable as well as can be snaked through existing walls without detriment. They work with round vents that are only six inches in diameter as well as available in all sorts of colors as well as styles. It is a relief to have effective as well as energy efficiency heating as well as cooling throughout the entire home.

Cooling expert in Birmingham Alabama

Needing to replace our heat pump

My hubby plus I were able to afford condo in a nicer city of Tampa, Florida, because the home had stood empty for multiple years, then it required a lot of labor plus replaces… The previous owner had begun renovations on one of the bathrooms however never finished.

  • The room was gutted plus not functional.

There was a good deal of garbage piled in the lanai, multiple broken windows plus missing appliances, however my hubby plus I appreciate tackling dwelling improvement projects, then we were excited with the opportunity to customize the dwelling to our preferences. We started with the bathroom, adding a shower, laying down brick plus installing a vanity plus toilet. We painted the exterior plus interior of the house, cleaned up the yard plus hauled away all of the debris left behind by the previous owner. We had some concerns with the reliability of the heat pump, however although it seemed to be operating just fine, it appeared extremely old, but every time it started up, it made a absolutely loud rattling sound. We were absolutely surprised when the heat pump continued to supply effective heating plus cooling for nearly five years. In the middle of the summer, I noticed hot air coming from the vents. When I stressed repairs from a local Tampa Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C corporation, the professional found a small refrigerant leak, then he recharged the refrigerant, charged me a hundred dollars plus told me he wasn’t sure how long the service would last. A year later, my associate and I once again faced the same problem. At that point, I decided to invest into a brand new heat pump.

a/c install in Tampa Florida