Lately I have observed a lot of complications with excess dust and dirt in the house… I scrub all of the surfaces in the living room including the TV and the pop table and 2 hours later there is still dust and dirt that accumulates on the surfaces.
I thought that I was using a poorly made dusting spray, so I purchased something that was more costly and I used a special cloth.
I still had the same problem! Since the indoor air quality wasn’t what I wanted, I talked to my partner about calling a Lowell heating and AC supplier that specializes in indoor air solutions… The Lowell Heating and A/C supplier was cheerful to schedule a free indoor air quality check with my partner and I… Both of us had to be home at the time in order to qualify for the free air quality check, however when the representative from the Lowell, Massachusetts, heating supplier arrived, one of the first things that he did was check all of the HVAC duct, he looked in the attic to make sure that all of the HVAC duct was sealed up respectfully. The professional told us that was the number one problem to cause this type of issue. There were plenty of sites in the HVAC duct where the ducting wasn’t even linked. The professional said we should beginning with those repairs and see if that helps the problem. It took nearly 2 hours for the repair professional to repair all of the ducting complications in the attic. It’s been a few afternoons and I believe that legitimately helped the complications quite a bit.
ductless ac repair Lowell MA