When I moved to Sioux Falls I knew I needed to get a wonderful furnace, however my household came with an older component that was about to go… I debated on replacing right then plus there, but then I decided to wait until it died.
In the meantime I did a bunch of projects, one of them was adding modern flooring to my house.
I ripped up the aged rugs plus began the process of changing to tile. Thankfully along the way I realized I was setting myself up perfectly for radiant floors. I just needed to add the electric mats on top of the stone board. I called up my local Sioux Falls heating dealership to inquire about the cost. It did double the price tag of my project although I was getting a furnace at the end of it along with modern floors, and so I went for it. Seemed like the perfect time to me. I got the component installed, did my flooring, plus covered it up. My household heating component lasted exactly one year. Then I had it removed to free up storage space plus I have since relied on heated flooring. I will never go to another system again. I appreciate that there is no space taken up with my furnace. It is hidden under the flooring. It is also silent plus doesn’t use forced air. That means no heated air rising, no freezing spots, plus no exhausting indoor air quality. The heat stays where you want it plus comes when you want it, however will only have radiant heating for the rest of my life.