Author: Jimmy

Heated flooring in my Birmingham house

When I moved into my new home in Birmingham, Alabama I decided that I wanted to do some major renovations, and i decided on redoing the flooring. I didn’t want that gross brown rug anymore, but instead to upgrade to gray tile. I ripped up all the carpets, that gross padding, and then laid down […]

Going to university in Tampa

Since the town of Tampa is so large, I have more than one option which is entirely nice I live in Keystone Heights, FL which certainly is somewhere you have never heard of, and it is a absolutely small area of FL that doesn’t have much, however my associate and I have two exhausting grocery […]

Investing into boiler maintenance

Winters in Elgin, IL, are long, brutally cold and difficult, and it’s necessary to prepare for the cold weather. In the fall, I winterize the pool pump and the cooling system, put away the patio furniture and gas grill and haul all of my family’s winter time coats, scarfs and hats from the attic. I […]

Getting a hybrid heating combination

The average temperature in Tuscaloosa swings from the mid thirties into the upper nineties… While it sometimes soars into the triple digits, conditions rarely drop below chilly. When I bought a house in Tuscaloosa, it was already equipped with a furnace and central air conditioning system combination, but the heating unit was nearly brand modern […]

Getting a hybrid heating combination

The average temperature in Tuscaloosa swings from the mid thirties into the upper nineties! While it periodically soars into the triple digits, conditions rarely drop below chilly. When I bought a apartment in Tuscaloosa, it was already equipped with a boiler and central air conditioner combination. The heating unit was nearly brand up-to-date and a […]

Getting used to Minneapolis winters

It seemed as if the weather would never warm back up. I grew up, went to school and graduated college in the deep south. I went twenty-one years of my life without ever encountering snow. When I was offered a job in Minneapolis, Minnesota, I was excited for the change in weather and landscape. I […]

Conscientious about service for the the furnace

Winters in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, are extremely long and cold. We typically need to raise the thermostat setting and start up the furnace by the end of September or early October. We expect below-freezing temperatures and snow accumulation on Halloween. By Christmas, the lows are in the single digits or even the negatives. Between […]

Worried over a cheap apartment

I graduated college with a tremendous amount of student loans, however i was also struggling to cover a automobile payment, insurance as well as residing expenses. I was delighted to be offered a task in my field in Fort Worth, TX, and however, the paycheck of an entry level position made it strenuous to afford […]

I found a cheap apartment

I graduated university with a tremendous amount of student loans… I was also struggling to cover a motorcar payment, insurance and living expenses. I was happy to be gave a job in my field in Fort Worth, Texas, however, the paycheck of an entry level position made it difficult to afford an apartment. Hoping to […]

The bad points with a cheap apartment

I graduated school with a tremendous amount of student loans, i was also struggling to cover a car payment, insurance and residing expenses. I was happy to be offered a task in my field in Fort Worth, Texas! However, the paycheck of an entry level position made it difficult to afford an apartment. Hoping to […]